
Portugal work contract

                                                                          DEMAND LETTER
Dear Sir
  We require the following category of work for employment in the South region of Portugal We ask you to select and hire the following suitable personnel for our company from Southeast Asian countries according to the data below.
  Job Title : Supermarket and w arehouse worker;
  Gender Male : 20;
  Gender Female : 20;
  Basiс Swlary/Montlw min 860 usd/netto.
  Term & Condition as follows:
  Place of Employment — Faro (provinces Algerve);
  Period of Contract — 12 months and renew able;
  Working Hours/basic — min. 184 monthly work hours. 10-12 hours day;
  The type of work — Work in the warehouse and in the trading floors of the cooperative, stacking of goods on the shelves of the supermarket, selection of goods according to the order of the trading floor, unloading of goods, loading of return packaging, cleaning of the trading floor, warehouses and the territory of the cooperative;
  Food — Provided (payment for products at cooperative cost prices);
  Accommodation — Provided-payment of utility bills;
  Insurance — Provided;
  Overtime/Total hours — Per day additional 2-4 h. per month 60 h
  Air Ticket — Provided (refund of airfare alter the completed quarter)
  Work Permit — Upon arrival, a resident card with the right to work is issued;
Other terms and conditions — According to civil code;
  The salary is paid 15 th of each next month.
  All employees declare that they do not have chronic diseases the physical condition of the future employee allows him to perform physical work in warehouses and in the supermarket.

Business invitation to Portugal

Portuguese language school. The school is accredited by the Portuguese Ministry of Education. The invitation is prepared within 15 working days. Down payment 200 €. When the invitation is ready 450 €. A high school diploma is required. Knowledge of Portuguese is desirable.

The total cost of the course is 1500 euros. Within 90 days after receiving your visa and arriving in Portugal, if you want to study and pay 1250 euros for a full one-year course of study, you can apply for temporary Portuguese resident status.
15 days with post
Documents confirming the main purpose of the stay:
A certificate from the institution confirming the applicant’s enrollment for training or continuing education. (Preparatory or basic courses). This document should include information about the current year of study and semester.

Proof of payment (issued by the school) if the applicant is enrolled.

Document confirming the availability of sufficient financial resources to cover the cost of living and return to the country of origin *. A document confirming the student’s accommodation and the cost of such accommodation (such a document can be a lease agreement or a hostel indicating accommodation for the entire period of monthly payment).

A document confirming the availability of financial resources can be:
Travel check;
Credit card certificate issued by the ATM that issued the credit card (the card is issued by any bank that has a correspondent bank in a European Union country);
Bank statement on the availability of the necessary funds to the applicant’s account

A foreigner applying for a national study visa must submit a document confirming that he or she has sufficient financial resources to cover:
Return to country of origin cost:
* minimum 625 euros;
• living expenses
For each scheduled month, you must have at least:
* 200 euros;

Applicants for a 365-day visa must have at least € 4,925 (200 * 12 = 2,400 (average cost of living) + 625 (return home) + 900 (on campus or dorm) + 1,000 (study)) financial resources.

Living expenses are deducted from the document confirming your place of residence (rental agreement or payment on the campus of an educational institution) — a monthly payment for accommodation, taking into account your annual stay in Poland. The average monthly campus fee is 75 euros and the cost of living per year is 900 euros. Tuition fees (no advance payment) 1000 euros.

Only students with a fixed form of study or persons traveling to Poland to complete the preparatory course for enrollment can obtain a student visa. The consul has the right to assess the applicant’s level of language of instruction

Invitation letter

U——T U——L, represented by the Director B——I O—-I, acting on the basis of the Statute, invites you to accept the visa application of our client and partner O—a Y—-a, and to provide him with a multiple-entry commercial visa for Portugal.
Purpose of visit: Conference call

“Modern Technologies in Tourism: VR, Cryptio, Internet” education, practical program
Information about the person invited:
Full name: O—a Y—-a
Nationality: U—-e
Date of birth: 01.01.1991
Passport No.: T——-6

Visit details:
Expected period of validity of the visa: 05/07/2022-05/10/2022 H otel: Ibis Lisboa Jose Malhoa (Avenida Jose Malhoa, no. 10, Registration No.: 300, 1070-158, Lisbon)
06.07.2022 Opening (presentation, dinner).
07.07.2022 — 21.07.2022 Lecture: «Fundamentals of modern tourism and entrepreneurship».
22.07.2022 — 25.07.2022 Free time. Excursions organized by the invited company.
26.07.2022 — 15.08.2022 Lecture: «VR technologies with collaborative infrastructure, development and evolution»
Seminar «VR Technologies in Tourism».
Practical training course “Fundamentals of VR technology development”.
2022.08.16 — 08.31.2022 Lecture: “VR Design: Virtual and Augmented Reality. Open lectures on comprehensive technologies.»
01.09.2022 — 05.09.2022 Free time. Excursions with practical applications of VR glasses.
06.09.2022 — 12.09.2022 Seminar “Electronic sales in tourism: practice, problems, perspectives”.
13.09.2022 — 22.09.2022 Lecture: «Internet Acquisition».
Lecture: «Crypto-currency: history, working mechanism».
Lecture: “How the tourism industry is changing in the age of cryptocurrencies”.
23.09.2022 Delivery of practical tasks, completion of the final exam to obtain the certificate.
26.09.2022 Obtaining certificates, dinner
26.09.2022 — 04.10.2022 Additional consultations with specialists.
In the cases provided for by Portuguese law, U——T U——L , as an invited company, will provide O—a Y—-a with medical insurance and financial support for the return of the foreign guest to the place of permanent residence. All other expenses are covered by the person invited.

I B——I O——I, company owner, confirm that Olena Yakova, passport T——6, will attend our company conference U——-T U——L , Reg. , A—a da República, n° , the floor, Lisbon.
We guarantee that O—a Y—-a will have a room to stay at the address: Ibis L—a J—e Malhoa, A—a J—is M—a, n°, R—-o n ° , 1——8, in L—a.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.

SERVICE AGREEMENT No PU-123456-1991-01

Completed on 01.06.2022 in Lisbon, between O—to Y—-a, nationality: U—-a, passport T——-6, as Contractor, and U—- -T U———L , Reg. No. 1——4, A—-a of the Republic, Number, Contractor, with the following Content:

§ 1. Object of the contract
The purpose of the contract is the provision of services by the Contracted Party to the Contractor.
The object of the contract will be performed with the necessary assistance from the Contractor.
However, it should not be carried out under your full direction.
§ 2. Obligations of the Contractor
The Contractor’s tasks will include: Providing all necessary equipment for the work; Hold conferences and business meetings; Conduct practices.
The tasks will be performed by the Contractor personally or by a third party indicated by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the activities carried out by third parties to which it has entrusted the execution of specific activities for the Contractor.
§ 3. Responsibilities of the Contractor The customer is obliged to make available all the means and information necessary to allow the execution of the order.
§ 4. Remuneration
1. To carry out the object of the contract, the Contractor will pay the Contractor remuneration in the amount of 1200 euros gross.
2. The remuneration will be paid based on an invoice issued by the Contractor.
3. Remuneration for the service will be received by the Contractor via bank transfer within 7 days from the issuance of the invoice.
4. The costs related to the performance of the contract will be covered by the Contractor.

§ 5. Setting time limits
1. The complete contract will be executed until 12.01.2022.
2. Any reported failures/difficulties must be rectified by the Contractor within 3 days.
§ 6. Contract termination
The contract will be terminated after the service has been provided, according to the period specified in § 5, item 1.
The service provision contract may be terminated by either party, with immediate effect, if:
a) either party fails to comply with the deadlines set forth in this contract;
b) the Contractor fails to perform the tasks entrusted to it, as set out in § 2;
c) the Contractor fails to provide the Contractor with the information necessary for the execution of the assignment;
d) the Contractor fails to pay the remuneration to the Contractor, in the specified amount, within the established period.
Termination of the contract before the expiration of the period specified in § 5, item 1, must be made in writing.
§ 7. Final provisions
In matters not covered by this agreement, the provisions of the Civil Code shall apply.
Any changes to the content of this agreement must be made in writing.
The Agreement has been drafted in two identical copies, one for each party.